Thursday, September 4, 2008


Good morning friends! Thought i would share with you our mummies we are making for calebs kindergarten class for halloween, (Starting early so we will surely have all 22 done : }) We made these with toilet paper rolls cut in half and gauze wrapped and glued around it, glue on some googly eyes and fill with candy. Really easy and a cute little guy for the kids. I still have a ton of things to do before we leave for camping tomorrow, so I dont know if I will have time to post again before the end of the weekend. If not have a wonderful weekned. blessings


Beca said...

renee, love the new blog look. looks like you're getting the hang of it. i check it all the time. love this pic of caleb too! sooo fun.

Linda McClain said...

Oh my goodness - how adorable. He'll be the most popular kid in school!


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